Computer Software > Windows 10

Win 10 constantly crashing

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Backup anything important.
Reset Windows 10 (details below).

Select the Start  button, then select Settings  > Update & security  > Recovery. Under Reset this PC, select Get started.

I've just looking on youtube about Reimage and it seems most people are calling them scammers i.e. they say you have viruses when you haven't so they can keep charging you.

I suggest what j0hn recommended is a more safe and secure option.

[youtube][/youtube]How I Fell For The Reimage PC-Scan Scam

Agreed with what Bowden wrote, and have distant memory of encounter with Reimage.

Peter, have you tried sfc /scannow &/or DISM?

Many thanks guys, it is getting me down now to the extent I'm even considering a change of computer, I think I'll ask my son(s) to try the options you suggest, I don't have the IT nous.



Did you upgrade from the previous OS, or did you wipe the computer clean before upgrading?

I've got about ~28 years experience of PC's and usually, an upgrade is bad news, always was. The best thing to do would be to backup all your personal files and applications (i.e. ensure you have the installation files) and wipe the computer and install Windows again from scratch.


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