Computer Software > Windows 10

Win 10 constantly crashing

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Thanks all, it seems to me the crashes have been going on since updating to win 10, but not so frequent.

My son is going to check the memory first, I'll tell about your recommendations, much appreciated.

thanks again.


Got my PC back today after my son ran memory test for at least 48 hours and found no problems there, he then managed to get updates installed, quite a lot it appears, somehow something was switched off and preventing automatic up dates, no idea how that happened I tend to leave well alone.
It remains to be seen if the crashes problems are cured, but at least I can thank you all for the in put, may thanks all.



Thats good that it is back working now.

It seems it might just have been windows having problems?

I remember when I upgraded from Win7 to Win10 a few years ago that a couple of programs either prevented the update, or they were listed as incompatible with Win 10. It took me ages to find out which program it was. It ended up being a games client program that just needed updating.

On my main Win10 machine I had some early problems, partly of my doing and somehow corrupted part of windows. Windows store wouldnt open, windows update didnt work properly, usb devices stopped working etc. In the end a new Win10 version came out and I couldnt update normally so I used the media creation tool to install the new version over the top of the current version, and it seemed to correct all the problems I had. So that might be an idea to try if something happens in the future and hardware issues are ruled out

Thanks Bowden, I shall try to keep that in mind if I have a repeat.


As usual I spoke too soon, PC ran fine for a while, then the BSod began again, twice yesterday, once today so I gave Reimage a try as Microsoft recommend it, all went well computer remotely taken over found all the problems, then our engineer will fix these in about two hours, but, (There always is a BUT) there is an extra charge, how much I ask, let me run through the options (And the sales talk) .

For one year cover after the repair twice monthly clean up etc, £250.00!  Three years, £350!

No thanks I say refund my money under the 60 days cooling off period.  We can repair these faults, (indicated on screen for the £28:95 then, I opted for that and learned an expensive lesson.

Anyone else had experience with REIMAGE?




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