Computer Software > Windows 10

Win 10 constantly crashing

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its a hardware problem so dont pay for a software repair service

You can use AIDA64 or some other program to read the hardware counters on the motherboard and any of it's buses. SMART is useful for checking storage devices for errors. Do some stress testing and correlate the graphs generated by AIDA64 along with the bluescreen mini-dumps and the Event Viewer to see what's going on. I believe the Windows SDK provides a stacktrace interpreter which will read the contents of the bsod mini-dump. Process Hacker can be helpful for debugging a potentially bad driver or OS component. Try updating the UEFI BIOS to the latest version. Hope this helps.

Hello all, and happy new year, just recovering from a bad bout of flu so a bit late, sorry.

I put my PC into a local IT shop,  he did thorough check on the PC and a complete clean reinstall of Win 10 30th November I got my machine back, the next day I got the 'Page Fault on an Unpaged Are' message! From there it get's a bit vague for some reason I decided to reset the sleep and off to never, and I've not had a problem since.

It has been suggested that the fault maybe with my Logitech cordless mouse, but I'm leaving well alone for now and haven't tried an alternative mouse.

After all your input I thought it would be nice to let you know, it may help another user.

Many thanks again,


Re-image is junk and more likely to cause more issues than it allegedly fixes.


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