Thanks Kitz; very informative and I can now access the basic stats via the command telnet.
However, I don't recall using any DSL commands from the web interface, but I did alter some settings when I had access to the WAN page, eg internet ISP access password and a change of status to "always on". However, after the status amendment to "always on", the sync dropped and the status reverted to default. I amended it again and reconnected with the "connect" button in the status interface. It connected again OK but that is where I lost the WAN interface.
I appreciate your comments, but although I can now acess via telnet to see the SNR margin and attenuation stats, I am not able to make any amendemnts, ie change of router dialup password, router status, MTU etc, as all these appeared on the WAN interface.
Incidentally, I cannot say I am too keen on this router - I think it's a bit of a cheapie as it constantly drops out anyway, and matters are worse when I now have no WAN interface. I do believe also that Talktalk, who I am no longer with, disabled some of its functions in any case. Perhaps I should get a Netgear or a Linksys; what do you think?