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Author Topic: Advice Please  (Read 13996 times)


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2009, 02:11:16 PM »

Openreach turned up at 10.00am today !!! it was 1 of the chaps who initially sorted out all my wiring and line. Told him about the phone-line noise he ran his test equipment and said I had a battery contact Error due to voltage in the line  ??? then he asked if PC was okay so showed him Routerstats which he runs himself  ;D The spikes of noise and noise margin increase were 'classics' he said,

Made him a cup of coffee of course, before he shot off to try and work his magic at the box etc came back and apparently the error on his re-testing has been cleared after he swopped something over.  ;D any more problems just report as voice problem and they can get the info. up.

Told me to monitor for 24 hours 'just in case' and then contact my ISP, his professional opinion as once it was cleared I told him about the ADSL cable stunt, is that they should have had the line tested or avdised me to do so and not allow the noise spikes he could see to lose me my SNR of 6db, yes I had been sending screen shots to the ISP !!!

Further to that he said that if the ISP contact BT and say openreach have corrected a battery  problem on the line, now resolved and please reset my Noise Margin to the default of 6db there should be no problem....

The job was signed off and then he tested all the set up I had done this weekend and said all is okay.  :)

Thank goodness for routerstats and openreach  and all on this forum, will now continue reading and learning before I get my Windows7 .. :thumbs:



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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2009, 02:24:48 PM »

That sounds good. :)


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2009, 05:03:26 PM »

Well done, Mist, and well done Openreach.  :clap:

I think that asking your ISP to reset your margin, exactly as the Openreach chap suggested, is the right approach.  Unfortunately I'm afraid my own experience has been that my ISP's helpdesk simply don't understand what I'm talking about when it comes to target SNR margins and the like, but you may be more fortunate. 

Even if the ISP won't/don't get it reduced it should, in theory, reduce itself automatically after a few weeks. Failing that, as a last resort, you can tweak your modem to override the target.  Let us know how things work out.


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2009, 02:45:04 PM »

This has now become amusing, have to laugh or else I'd cry, sense of humour has really kicked in  ;D

Routerstats began showing those dips again on Tuesday but phone line sounds clear. So loaded new Netgear including the new power adaptor etc .Noise margin then held steady except for the occasional dips. Contacted ISP by email, (UK based support) explaining I had fault on voice line, now cleared, loaded new router but still getting dips on router-stats , oh how they dislike routerstats....

I received a reply this morning stating  "The connection has held up perfectly."  I have therefore just asked them by email to reduce my noise margin back to the default of 6db as it must have been the faulty phone line that caused it to rise suddenly on July 25th and the error has now been cleared.

My ISP seems to like noise margins set at 9 but hanging around 10 as mine is at present. A reply of "No" from them will be met with a MAC request.


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2009, 03:01:09 PM »

Your ISP can't reset your target noise margin by themselves - they have to ask BT to do it, and BT take a lot of persuading. Some ISPs are better than others at this. I suggest that you try a bit more to get your present ISP to do this, because if you migrate to a different ISP you'll still have that problem to deal with.


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2009, 03:18:42 PM »

Okay, Thanks and will do they are a very 'conservative' ISP though as I have discovered but have to test the water  ;D

Now routerstats is showing the noisy line which started after they did the tiepair modification for some unkown reason.

 :) As I think though I still have a line problem which only appeared after my migration I was going to go if necessary to the ISP who says 'gives us a month to sort it out'

As himself has said this move to this isp was a bad move by me for us. ::)

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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2009, 03:28:40 PM »

Your ISP can't reset your target noise margin by themselves - they have to ask BT to do it

My sympathy goes to Mist here, as the advice to get the target reduced actually came from BT (Openreach).  I fully understand why the various bits of BT are 'chinese walled' from one another, but I can't help thinking that situations like this are just a little bit silly.   

The BT Openreach engineer wants it done, and somebody in BT Wholesale is capable of doing it, but the two BT people can't just talk to one another.  They have to relay it through the customer, who has ask his ISP, who may not understand the question, and then the ISP has to plead with BT Wholesale, who may or may not agree to it....  >:( >:(

I'm not blaming BT in the slightest, I suppose they are just obeying the limitations imposed by the regulators.  :(


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2009, 03:35:43 PM »

Just look what has happened... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now wine tonight I think for a  celebration....

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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2009, 03:42:49 PM »

Splendid result :thumbs:

And just at the very moment I was having a little rant about it all!  :lol:


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2009, 03:43:33 PM »


Go easy on the wine though. ;D


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2009, 06:37:53 PM »


quote :just look what has happened.

As a matter of interest how much synch speed did you gain ?

Regards Jeff
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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2009, 06:52:27 PM »

Not a lot  so far,

3776kbs, increased as the noise margin change cut in to 4448kbps
ISP sent an email saying deed was done and reboot after 2 hours but I forgot  :( so will do it midday tomorrow then not 'fiddle' for 5 days so profile catches up, then I will try to boost it up again, slowly slowly....


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2009, 10:32:54 AM »

Glad you got a result from Openreach. :)

From the latest routerstats.. it looks like your target SNR is still 9dB?
The dips in the graph seem to show normal SNR fluctuations that would occur over various times of the day... fluctuations by a couple of dB are perfectly normal for a lot of lines.  If the line hold steadyish like that then all is looking good and it should be able to cope with a 6dB target.

You wont know for sure if the target SNR has changed until you do a resync and look at your SNRM immediately after the resync to see what it is.
Please do not PM me with queries for broadband help as I may not be able to respond.
How to get your router line stats :: ADSL Exchange Checker


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2009, 12:20:01 PM »

I have just rebooted the router and..

System Up Time 00:01:04
Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Collisions Tx B/s Rx B/s Up Time
WAN PPPoA 45 43 0 615 669 00:00:23
LAN 10M/100M 220 249 0 1757 768 00:00:55
WLAN 11M/54M/270M 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:07

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 4512 kbps 448 kbps
Line Attenuation 56.0 db 31.0 db
Noise Margin 5.7 db 18.0 db
Will now not fiddle around until the profile rises then..may try to go for another reboot, very nervous incase it doesn't hold steady but after nearly 24 hours its looking quite good  ;D


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Re: Advice Please
« Reply #44 on: August 14, 2009, 12:42:25 PM »

Your target noise margin is 6 dB then, and your stats are pretty good for your level of attenuation. If it stays like that I would say that you've definitely got a result. :thumbs:
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