the one who needs a kick up the prostreior? wonder who you mean..........
Seriously the arrogance of the boy, then comes out with the deep statements then returns to form. Only way of seeing more hissy fits is if Indiana jones lands in a egyiptian pit full of eplilectic adders.
I agree, I think his name was James, but that young farmer. What a sound chap he is.
And Ody? he was looking for/engineering a confrontation, pushing him through that glass door
he was looking for/constructing the slightest rise as an excuse to turn violent, didn't get one so kept pushing and pushing until he did literaly. Not so much genualy annoyed at the shirker as looking to prove in his eyes him manlyness by being the big hard man
I particuarly found the bit when the girls gave the Lady they were staying with from the tuna factory the spare change from the sweet shopping jaunt, then the realisation what that amount ment so touching.
There are a couple of similar tear jerking points in the last episode, but that "tourist"......."empowerment?" that idiot was obscene. What a vile human. I'm not a violent person but he deserved a lot more the glass incident of part 1, that pilchard got me very angry. as the farmer lad said "So what are you doing here ?"
I liked the attitude of the young lady Stacey? her attitude and insights very astute. sumed up the touching nature of the program very well. Not the food but the people and families around it.