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Author Topic: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300  (Read 70380 times)


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How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:27:49 AM »

Epson R300 CISS installation.

After just purchasing a CISS (Continuous Ink Supply System) I was a little dismayed in not being able to find a really good tutorial on how to "properly" install it.
We know instructions come with them, but as everyone says "they are a load of rubbish" so I decided to create this one.
Although it's not just the run-of-the-mill installation, but even for a quick standard installation I hope it will help.

The measurement given below is accurate.
This was not the first attempt to get it right.
(I have painted over the holes that were originally put in the wrong place so you can't see them)  :-X

The finished item.

Although it's not actually necessary to remove the top housing unit to install a CISS unit, but I did not want the ink ribbon hanging out through the front or top of the lid and also covering any of the switches as it also stops the lid from closing properly even when not being used.
But I removed mine and cut a small slot in the left-hand side of the unit to feed the ink ribbon into the printer, which makes the completed job look much neater and allows the lid to be closed at all times. Even when being used.
The picture also shows the "Breath Plugs removed on the CISS unit and roughly shows where No1 & No2 fixing "Hooks" are located.

The most CRUCIAL PART is fixing the support bracket for the ink ribbon tubes, this must be fixed 13cm from the left-hand side edge of the printer lid to the centre of the bracket to allow the tubes to flow feely, otherwise they may tangle when the carriage moves to the left of the printer.
You will find that if you use the sticky-back fixing and the extra bridge type fixing for extra security onto the top of the unit, the lid will not close properly.
(So I decided to drill and tap the fixing which is how I fixed mine on the under-side part of the unit after also cutting away part of the small overhang.) (Small self tapers will also do)
The red number 3 shows roughly where the third fixing hook is located.

1. Do not remove any of the refill plugs or breath plugs until the cartridges are fixed into place, or ink will run out or air may get sucked in.
2. Whichever way you decide to secure your unit (Sticky Pad or Drill & Tap), please take note of the position and  how the shape of the ink ribbon is formed in the picture above.
3. You will also see it's not necessary to remove the cartridge retaining clip (as advised by some people/suppliers), you can gently feed the cartridges through the hole 2 at a time.

So, should you want to, this is how to remove the upper housing cover.
Overview of parts:

1. To access two of the four housing cover fixing screws you first need to remove the printer cover by pushing a small object into the spring loaded damper shaft on the left-hand side of the cover and gently lift of. (don't worry, no springs will jump out) (Picture A)

2. Remove the small removable panel at the rear of the LCD screen to get to the fourth fixing screw. (Picture B)

3. Gently push the Carriage lock mechanism to the unlock position (small white piece of plastic) (Picture C)

4. Now for the fun bit. You need to locate the four additional fixing "Hooks" with your fingers and press them in to unlatch the fixing, numbers 1,2 and 3 are fairly easy, but number four is very fiddly, so with the first three free, try gently moving the lid to free it, at least it worked for me.
(Note the picture of the lid is upside down on the picture above)

5. Once the lid is free you may also want to remove the ribbon cable from the LCD unit to make life easier to work on the lid.
(To re-assemble, I later removed the four fixing screws as it was the easiest way of re-connecting the LCD ribbon cable, but take care as some of the push buttons will be loose but only go back one way)

Whether or not you have installed a CISS kit,
An excellent waste ink modification tutorial can be found here which is also recommended and should take no longer than about 15 minutes:

I would also reccommend installing and running this little program after doing either CISS or Ink Waste mod (especialy the Ink waste mod)
It's a program for various makes of printers called "SSC Service utility"
Which enables you to re-set or freeze the printer counter and/or clean black or colour cartridges separately.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 02:23:58 PM by oldfogy »


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 07:29:09 AM »

That's a great tutorial OF. :)


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 10:06:58 AM »

seconded :)
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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 10:51:07 AM »

Really excellent. Thanks


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 02:23:04 PM »

Thank you all.

What brought that one on was the fact I had initially broken that printer so was up for the challenge.
But search as I may, I could not find a decent set of instructions on the internet for the installing a the CISS unit, and the bracket in the middle is very important, get it in the  wrong position and it's likely to foul the tubing, but with a few holes in the wrong place I found the correct position.

I would also reccommend installing and running this little program after doing either CISS or Ink Waste mod (especialy the Ink waste mod)
It's a program for various makes of printers called "SSC Service utility"
Which enables you to re-set or freeze the printer counter and/or clean black or colour cartridges separately.


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 05:48:17 PM »

You may already have found this site but I found it quite useful when I had problems with my Canon printer. And there's a section on CISS as well.


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 05:57:37 PM »

Thanks Tony

Looks like it could be very useful.


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 11:17:47 PM »

Very interesting, can I ask what make of CISS you are using and where can they be obtained from?
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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 11:41:57 PM »

There is no manufacturers name on the box and the picture on the website is slightly different than that supplied.
And it was purchased from UKDVDR

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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2009, 08:11:20 AM »

Thanks for the info, I was afraid of what I have seen for my printer - an R800 - in that these systems contain dye based ink. My printer uses pigment ink and using one of these systems means that the heads have to be completely cleaned prior to using it. Pigment ink is far superior and so far the systems I've found which are at the more affordable end use dye rather than pigment. I'll keep searching but certainly these ones I would not use for my printer.
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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2009, 04:05:36 PM »

I was always under the impression that Pigment based ink was of a courser (thicker) make-up than dye based ink and would therefore not pass through the nozzles of a print head designed to use dye based ink properly, and likewise used the opposite way around causes flooding.

Just on the off-chance, this may help other people interested in the different ink blends and applications.


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2009, 06:59:23 PM »

My problem is that I have heard horror stories if you mix ink types without flushing through thoroughly first. I'd rather stick to pigment for my R800.
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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2009, 03:01:52 AM »

Hello there.I'm cristiano from spain.Nice to meet you.I have no idea how to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300.Can anyone help me?
Yes, by all means.

Basically you purchase the system, (but not from either of the sites that you are promoting) take out your old cartridges and replace with the new set.

And it is really as simple as that.

If you want to ask genuine questions, can I suggest you stop placing the shopping and marketing links in your posts's.


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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2009, 10:54:18 PM »

Hi there,

That's a great tutorial. I was just wondering if there was any reason that you brought the ink tubes out through the left hand side of the printer and not through the same place on the right hand side under the LCD screen. The only reason I ask is that for the past 18 months I have had an Epson R200 printer with a CISS which I fitted with the tubes coming out on the right. However, the R200 printer has now broken and I have just bought an R300 of eBay and I want to transfer my CISS system to the new printer. If the tubes went to the right then they wouldn't have to double back on themselves at the support bracket in the middle. However, your support bracket looks a bit different from mine. Yours looks as if it has two clamps for the tubes, one on top & one on the bottom to allow the tubing to double back on itself, is this correct. On mine it just has one clamp and there is no facility for doubling back. In view of this I was intending taking the tubes to the right under the LCD screen and through a slot cut in the top cover the same as you have done but on the other side. Do you have any inside knowledge as to why this would be a problem.

I'm just after as much info as possible before I start cutting the plastic casing.

Many thanks



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Re: How to install a CISS unit for the Epson R300
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2009, 11:46:38 PM »

Hi there,

1. I was just wondering if there was any reason that you brought the ink tubes out through the left hand side of the printer and not through the same place on the right hand side under the LCD screen.

2. your support bracket looks a bit different from mine.
Yours looks as if it has two clamps for the tubes, one on top & one on the bottom to allow the tubing to double back on itself, is this correct.

3. I was intending taking the tubes to the right under the LCD screen and through a slot cut in the top cover the same as you have done but on the other side.
Do you have any inside knowledge as to why this would be a problem.

1. If memory serves me right, there was not enough room to bring it out through the right-hand side as the space is occupied by the printers control panel.
(Also if you notice, some "if not all" of the on-line diagrams refer to the Epson R300, but they do not actually show the Epson R300, as the ink tubes would actually travel across the printer control panel and could not be secured as they recommend)

2. My unit came with two long brackets (I only used one of them), normally the one shown would have been held in place with the other bracket being stuck in place along the top of the printer with it's sticky pads, but I drilled and fixed it using only one bracket "so the lid would close properly"

3. See No1.

The second bracket, the one on the underside also came with the kit and should have been used on top of the printer by the control panel to secure the tubes before going under the lid (very ugly) but I decided to use it this way to hold the tubes in place and to help make the tubes force the tubes in the direction they need to.
Although the tubes are reasonably flexible, it also helps to reduce the amount of drag and movement.

(However, the bottom bracket has since fallen off, and is now tied-up to the tubes on top, but in the same position.
This was possibly caused by the sticky pad not being good enough, or/and the continuous movement at that point)

Thanks for the compliment.
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