Wishing a Merry Christmas to members of the Kitz Community.
Its a time of year that can be stressful and chaotic for many. There seems to be high expectations about how we need to do this, that or the other to make a perfect Christmas day. In reality, the trimmings don't really matter and I'm sure no one really cares if your serviettes don't match the tablecloth. The main thing is that we try to take some time out and enjoy presence of friends and family. On the flip side of chaotic, Christmas can be lonely for others. I've reached that stage of life when far too many loved ones have passed away and Christmas is a time when it hits quite hard if certain people are no longer here. With my own health being fragile, getting out isn't so easy, but I'm fortunate to have family who I love and care about with whom I shall be spending the next few days. It's my wish that you too have friends and/or family to spend time with. What ever it is that you are doing, I hope that you have an enjoyable day.