I hit an interesting "problem" with 24H2 the other day, helping a friend of mine update his PC from 22H2.

He'd asked me what his "end of life" warning messages were about; this was despite me asking him back last Autumn if he had any systems still on 22H2 - "I don't think so" was his answer - WRONG!
First we updated his laptop, which wasn't that old, but equally wasn't full W11 spec. No problem.
Then we went for the Dell desktop, which started updating fine, then I noticed something odd....
Even though he'd long ago updated it with an SSD and 8GB ram, so it ran fine, I spotted a windows XP label on the box!

A quick Google of the model confirmed it had an older processor that doesn't have SSE4.2 instruction extensions or POPCNT! Needed for 24H2

Fortunately I was able to cancel the update before completion and it rewound it back to 22H2, then I updated it to 23H2 which I fortunately had a copy of, even though for some inexplicable reason his system needed the US English download not the UK/International English one.

He was then happy that it would run for a few more months and he'd look to buying a new system when Windows 12 appears. I agreed.
Then a few days later we had a massive lightning strike about 100 yards up the road from me - multiple trees shredded!
My house was unaffected, nothing even tripped, but my friend was 50 yards away the other side and most houses there has significant electronic damage. His router was fried, as was his PC that was next to it on a cabled LAN connection. So my W11 upgrades were a waste of time. BT have had an engineer in the area for several days now sorting out the many problems created.
I did do some diagnosis of his stricken PC and it would actually boot, the CPU and ram survived as did the hard disks. The video card was toast as was the LAN port and all but one USB port so it was effectively unusable. The SSD and HDD inside, with lots of family photos, were fine surprisingly.