Thanks Derpy. Was the free version ok with dynamic pages such as running a forum.
Ive seen mixed reports on whether to use it with SMF. A couple of the main SMF core programmers say it can cause problems, but then theres some of what appear to be experienced who users say it works fine for them.
I think Ive managed to put a stop to the massive amount of Chinese bots that I seemed to attract as soon as the site moved to a new server with a different IP, but theres still a lot of background noise coming from a few different locations. China was by far the worst for hitting registration and trying to bypass login. Those get reported in the SMF logs and coming in at about a few hundred thousand per hour making it difficult to see anything else. Touch wood Ive managed to keep them at bay with htaccess. I'm mindful that a large htaccess file can still cause server load but at least they are no longer directly targetting the login and registration. Apparently when SMF or the server ran routine or daily maintenance scripts things just ground to a crawl and caused problems with the temp file.. hence the problem with the sessions. The guys at SMF said the error message I got meant lack of space for the temp file. Yet my hosts were saying it should have adequate. The new server has more diskspace > temp than the old. I supposedly have a honey pot but I dont think that works if they directly call for a particular page.
Its just scary to think about the HUGE amount of bots I seemed to attract within hours of the IP going live. These bots were specifically targetting SMF registration and the login page. SMF wasnt unique, for example I could see many failed attempts to find WP files at various locations when I dont even use WordPress. China seems to be the main culprit, but Russia is up there too. A more surprising country is Sweden, but perhaps not when its become a favourite location for VPNs.