Went to meet some friends last night, some were calling me over, all red faced,sweating, running noses, crying, some stamping there feet, others gulping down large quantities of milk.
One chap said try some of this, had a bottle of the stuff on the link and poured a drop on my finger. Wow! tasted fantastic, that lovely fresh chilli flavour along with a deeper taste which must be great with various meat dishes. :yum:Oh and hot too.....
After a few more seconds. Oh boy thats hot! Then. Oh wow, I'm alive! cetainly felt my eyes start to water but it was plesant not uncomfortable. Problem was a little while later I had to taste some more, had another drop then 2 teaspoon fulls. I don't normaly go for very hot dishes although I do love a moderate bit of spice, unless if I have a heavy cold. With this stuff it would certainly clear your sinuses and you'll probably sence the germs jumping ship.
I have got to get some of this for cooking,

although I would'nt recomend having as much as I did then in one sitting, about 15 min's after I certainly felt my pulse was rising. The health warning isn't a sales gimmick