Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
DSLstats website
I've found my local copy of the website and placed it with a free hosting service InfinityFree. I've also updated a couple of the pages to reflect the present situation.
The new address is
Thanks for that Eric I was looking for the Linux version.
My pleasure :)
--- Quote from: roseway on June 06, 2024, 03:39:07 PM ---I've found my local copy of the website and placed it with a free hosting service InfinityFree. I've also updated a couple of the pages to reflect the present situation.
The new address is
--- End quote ---
Ever since MDWS closed I have been saving the datastore from DSLstats - several years worth of historical data now!
Apart from the RPi2 needing to be rebooted every six months or so, a single bad SD card and the minimize button not working in DSLstats it hasn't missed a beat.
At some point I hope to have FTTP but until that day comes I find it essential to have the stats especially when there is a problem with the line - although rare it has been invaluable when there has been a problem.
Usage of DSLstats is probably dwindling but is still valued so keeping the site alive is appreciated. :thumbs:
Thanks for your kind words :)
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