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Author Topic: Alternative Use for Old ADSL BB/Phone Filter  (Read 7579 times)


  • Kitizen
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  • Posts: 1356
Alternative Use for Old ADSL BB/Phone Filter
« on: March 13, 2024, 03:51:45 PM »

As someone who has maintained my LL digital phone on FTTC/FTTP BB migration to BT, have found another use for an old "rats tail" ADSL BB/Phone filter.
In order to utilise the existing home phone wiring infrastructure with FTTP digital phone it's possible to connect the Hubs phone socket to this once the old copper exchange line and any associated filtering has been disconnected, lots of good guides on how this is done on u-tube.

The BT SH-2 Hub still uses a BT631A digital phone socket, this is where the old ADSL filter comes in, adapts to a RJ-11 socket then a readily available RJ-11 to BT631A cable such as this:
can be used to connect to an existing phone socket.
Some ISP Hubs such as Vodafones already use a RJ-11 socket for digital phone connection, in this case the adapter is not required.

Probably not necessary but just in case, I isolated the phone filter circuit within the old filter, plastic casing easily opened and a 4 pin dual choke removed so giving complete electrical isolation.
Nice to be able to utilise an old bit of unused kit for a useful function :)
Vodafone FTTP 200/28, VF THG3000 Hub