Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
Re: DSLstats webserver - Custom Interface
admin - split off from main thread,21237.150.html
--- Quote from: kitz on June 04, 2019, 11:28:51 PM ---Sorry only just seen this. The easiest way is output the text file in a frame.
You should be able to download that file.
Don't forget you will also need to change the menu nav bar for the other pages too.
You may need to adjust the frame width depending upon data in your own txt file.
I just quickly used 800 x 600 to test, as mine isn't uploading live data... but you can tweak it to what best suits your data output.
--- Code: ---<iframe src="pbparams.txt" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0">
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Nice work! I have added it on my dslstats. Thanks. admin: link removed
admin: link removed
It appears to have been reported as a potential phishing site, my browser fails to load the page and displays the following warning.
--- Code: ---Warning
Suspected Phishing
This website has been reported for potential phishing.
--- End code ---
It now has a redirect to
Alex Atkin UK:
--- Quote from: kitz on January 25, 2024, 04:20:41 PM ---admin: link removed
It appears to have been reported as a potential phishing site, my browser fails to load the page and displays the following warning.
--- Code: ---Warning
Suspected Phishing
This website has been reported for potential phishing.
--- End code ---
It now has a redirect to
--- End quote ---
Did a little Googling, most reports suggest this is a redirect from if you go over your usage quota.
The TLD advertises various website hosting or a static page for parked domains designed to catch typos and increase traffic for paid ads. I guess its how they are able to offer free webhosting :/
ETA re cross posting
--- Quote ---redirect from if you go over your usage quota
--- End quote ---
So someone has been looking at the stats too often.
Because the script updates when new data is uploaded, I bet its quite easy to hit limits if you leave your browser window open watching stats.... or even just leaving it running with the window open. :(
--- Quote from: kitz on January 25, 2024, 04:46:47 PM ---The TLD advertises various website hosting or a static page for parked domains designed to catch typos and increase traffic for paid ads. I guess its how they are able to offer free webhosting :/
--- End quote ---
I have removed off and deleted account because someone has warned me of malware
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