Wonder if you have had any BT exit billing issues?
Checked my daughters BT account today which is still open post her BT/VF migration completion on 1st. Feb, was surprised to see that there was notification of the next bill, to be issued on 21st. Feb, this advises of an amount for the new post contract full, non-discounted monthly amount!
Her BT 2 Yr. contract ended on 20th. Jan and as stated, BB migration was completed on 1st. Feb..
My understanding is that all ISP's charge for services in advance, so what I would have expected at most was a bill (at the new rate) from 21st. Jan to 1st. Feb only.
As your circumstances were very similar other than migrating your digital phone LL number to VF, she took a new LL number, wonder if you had any similar issues?
Obviously will have to get on the phone to BT accounts, she has not had a chance to do this yet.
To expectation, the returned router & PSU, sent on 10th. Jan, is still showing outstanding, seems to take weeks if not months for this to be acknowledged and many "warnings" of impending charges are usually issued in the interim period.