Well, I've finally switched over to FTTP. Last port on the pole. However, after the engineer has connected everything, he said there was no 'light' in the port and he had to fail the job so that the 'light' can be connected. He assured us that we'd 'see' this 'light' within a week, as Openreach needed to switch something on. How difficult is this process of switching on the light at the pole? (pardon the expression)
The second thing is: do I need to switch anything on/off at the ONT to connect a Fritzbox to it? Does the Fritzbox need to be in the bridge mode? I presume, I need to select 'Connecting to a cable modem (cable connection) Select this kind of connection if the "LAN 1" port of the FRITZ!Box is to be connected to a cable modem that establishes the internet connection'?
The final question is about our lovely retro (analogue) phone. Currently (on my VDSL line), I can connect it to the Fritzbox using the adapter that came with it. I can hear the line working, but when I dial the number or phone the number, the phone isn't ringing. Can I still use my analogue phone with FTTP?
Thank you in advance!
PS I'm pleased actually that the install was painless. Well, apart from maybe the blowout hole, so will need to get our stonemason to fix it, as I'm not a great supporter of sealant to seal holes in sandstone. I'll miss looking at my VDSL spectrum, but since we have some SHINE on the line, I won't miss that aspect, though.
(I sometimes wonder how oblivious some neighbours can be that their equipment can cause so much misery for the nearby neighbours in terms of interference! Utter pain in the ****)