Sorry for reviving this. What do you all think about using temporary numbers to be more safe online? Is that a thing?
I'm not sure what you mean by the term "temporary numbers". Do you mean IP addresses?
Most UK ISPs use dynamic IPs, which is where a different IP is assigned when you reconnect. Static IPs tend to be issued to business accounts or as a premium feature. That said there are a few ISPs who use "sticky IPs" and reallocate the same IP after a quick disconnect.
So that brings us to the question I think you may be getting around to... and that is using a VPN?
The use of a VPN is a topic crops up on occasion and I know there are a couple of our reg members who do use a VPN.
I fully comprehend why some people chose to use a VPN, the prime reasons being privacy and security as well as being able to hide/change nationality. The positive reasons for using a VPN are a topic in their own right.
However, you should chose which VPN host you use carefully. There are numerous VPN organisations who get a bad reputation based upon the type of users they attract. It's a fact that VPNs are used by/for spammers, hijackers, hackers, DDoS and numerous other types of cyber crime. A VPN host builds it's reputation based upon the type of user it attracts and how it deals with reports of abuse. You could find yourself unable to access some websites if your VPN provider is on a blacklist.
From a personal perspective, the forum makes use of VPN blacklists and a plugin that highlights any registrations or members using IP ranges. You could think of it similar to a single forum ban or member watch, but it is much larger as its shared by multiple hundreds of thousands of forums and WP sites around the globe. S***k Industries appears to have an interesting history, so I trust that you don't intend promoting their services.