Zyxel even confirmed with me that indeed my AP tops out at 1.6Gbit in their own testing and I don't think it really goes over 1.4Gbit in real-world use and not consistently at that.
Even trying to use MU-MIMO clients I couldn't get the combined speed to go higher, even though technically you'd think it should be able to do two 2x2 MU-MIMO steams at 1.4Gbit at the same time, but my understanding is MU-MIMO doesn't really work that well as it incurs a lot of overhead that negates the benefit.
Mostly I tested this stuff out of curiosity, as there's little reason to not just use wired in my small house and the room say may also be a limitation, as there's going to be more reflections so maybe MU-MIMO only really works in convention centres, sports venues, etc where the signals will be weaker before they hit anything solid.