Yeah as much as I like the idea, I'd think a 2G symmetrical from Cityfibre via Zen is going to be about the same price as 900/110 from OR. Hard to pass up on that even if they started offering higher speeds too.
There's a point of diminishing returns and frankly I've already kinda hit it given most services are hard-capped below Gigabit as it is, especially for uploads. Balanced between FTTP and 5G, were moving into saving a few more seconds on a big game download which is pretty much pointless, its the minutes that mattered. Overall the network speed is no longer the bottleneck anyway, its the IO and CPU of the device due to writing the data and particularly updates using patches which take longer than the download.
The reason to go for 2G is it probably wont be more expensive than I'm paying now, some services bork at your IP flip/flopping, and most importantly I'm curious if my box can handle PPPoE at those speeds.