Almost seven years ago, Gigaclear announced (
Wayback Machine link) it was trialling 5Gbps ultrafast broadband. It had some coverage on other websites, such as
Ars Technica and
ISPreview. It appears that it has not really gone anywhere as the H5G (home) and B5G (business) packages are nowhere to be seen these days.
From an infrastructure perspective, I wonder if the local network could actually support 5Gbps (or even 10Gbps) as-is. More specifically, I wonder if the active cabinets have the hardware for it. Though, at least in my case (if I wanted it), they would need to upgrade the NTE (ONT) as it only supports 1 Gbps. That is alongside the requirement of a new router to utilise the speeds as the Linksys Velop nodes they supply are only 1 Gbps Ethernet.
I could enquire about it, but I do not really want to bother them about a service which was expected to cost £399 a month that I do not need. Chances are that nobody will even know about it. But I am curious to know whether there is a possibility that they could supply it by simply replacing the NTE and router.
So, what happened to it? Did it just fade into obscurity? I cannot even find any posts of people using such services after a quick skim on the web.