Hello All,
I currently have VDSL2 (FTTN) and latency overhead for modulation was around 4ms on initial connect but after some time would jump to 8ms using DVA-2800. I have also tested BiPAC 8900X R3 (8-10ms) and DSL-AX82U (5-8ms). As the DSL-AX82U has a number of configration options, just wondering if you can suggest any settings that may improve the latency or keep it matching the initial connect latency? Happy to reduce bandwidth for better latency.
DSL-AX82U xdslctl command options on current firmware.
Usage: xdslctl start [--up] <configure command options>
xdslctl stop
xdslctl connection [--up] [--down] [--loopback] [--reverb]
[--medley] [--noretrain] [--L3] [--diagmode] [--L0]
[--tones <r1-r2,r3-r4,...>] [--normal] [--freezeReverb] [--freezeMedley]
xdslctl configure/configure1 [--mod <a|d|l|t|2|p|e|m|M3|M5|v|r>] [--lpair <(i)nner|(o)uter>] [--phycfg1 param_name=0xmask/0xval]
[--trellis <on|off>] [--snr <snrQ4>] [--bitswap <on|off>] [--sesdrop <on|off>]
[--sra <on|off>] [--CoMinMgn <on|off>] [--minINP <sym>] [--maxDelay <ms>] [--i24k <on|off>] [--phyReXmt <0xBitMap-UsDs>]
[--Ginp <0xBitMap-UsDs>] [--TpsTc <0xBitMap-AvPvAaPa>] [--monitorTone <on|off>]
[--profile <0x00 - 0x1FF> | <"8a |8b |8c |8d |12a |12b |17a |30a |35b">] [--us0 <on|off>]
[--dynamicD <on|off>] [--dynamicF <on|off>] [--SOS <on|off>] [--maxDataRate <maxDsDataRateKbps maxUsDataRateKbps maxAggrDataRateKbps>]
[--forceJ43 <on|off>] [--toggleJ43B43 <on|off>]
xdslctl bert [--start <#seconds>] [--stop] [--show]
xdslctl afelb [--time <sec>] [--tones] [--signal <1/2/8>]
xdslctl qlnmntr [--time <sec>] [--freq <msec>]
xdslctl inm [--start <INMIATO> <INMIATS><INMCC><INM_INPEQ_MODE><INM_INPEQ_FORMAT>] [--show]
xdslctl snrclamp [--shape <shapeId>] [--bpshape [bpIndex-bpLevel,]]
xdslctl nlnm [--show ] [--setThld <Thld_Num_Tones>]
xdslctl diag [--logstart <nBytes>] [--logpause] [--logstop] [--loguntilbufferfull <nBytes>] [--loguntilretrain <nBytes>] [--dumpBuf <sizeKb>]
xdslctl ntr [--start [output freq(default is 8000)]] [--stop]
xdslctl info [--state] [--show] [--stats] [--SNR] [--SNRM] [--QLN] [--Hlog] [--Hlin] [--HlinS] [--Bits]
[--pbParams] [--linediag] [--linediag1] [--UER]
[--TOD] [--reset] [--vendor] [--cfg] [--cfg-verbose] [--cfg-help]
xdslctl profile [--show] [--save] [--restore]
xdslctl --version
xdslctl --help