Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software

How to enable ICMP on HG612 for ThinkBroadband quality monitor

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I've just setup the Think Broadband quality monitor but the graph is all red. There are several other topics on here which kinda refer to this but then go on to talk about how it works with other modems. :-( I can't see anything ICMP related in the HG612 config.

Alex Atkin UK:
Depends, are you using it as a modem or router?

If its in bridge mode as a modem, ICMP needs to be enabled on the router.
If its in router mode that's not recommended as its extremely basic and lacking most functionality of modern routers.

Tx for the reply.
Oh dear it's such a long time I really can't recall or even tell now from the UI for that matter.
The HG612 LAN is defined as with a DHCP server that is then linked to my pfsense firewall (DHCP client).

You just need to create a rule in pfsense. If you want to specify tbb's servers rather than an all the address I allow is
The rule is
Icmp type =any
Source =
Destination =this firewall

That should cover it

Alex Atkin UK:

--- Quote from: mr-b on July 23, 2023, 10:11:44 PM ---Tx for the reply.
Oh dear it's such a long time I really can't recall or even tell now from the UI for that matter.
The HG612 LAN is defined as with a DHCP server that is then linked to my pfsense firewall (DHCP client).

--- End quote ---

That's odd, as your older post sounded like you were using bridge mode and PPPoE on pfSense?

Are you using two cables to pfSense, one for WAN and one for LAN?  I've never done that with DHCP enabled on the HG612, used a fixed IP address to put it on the main LAN so it can get the time over NTP from pfSense.


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