Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software

getting a network loop with 2nd connection for diagnostics (ZyXEL_VMG1312-B10A)

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Bit of a stupid problem, I am sure I have just failed to set something up properly.....

Under normal conditions the modem and router (er-x). followed the guide ( inc section 5 and

My interface groups are set as "default" LAN 2 - 4 and "Bridge" LAN1
My default interface has the address and Bridge has (both have 255.255.255 netmasks)

The LAN Information MAC address is reserved in the ER-x as the address

All works normally and I can get diagnostics using dslstats ok.

However, if I reboot the router, sometimes it does not reconnect to the WAN but I think gets served a DHCP address served from itself (via the diagnostics connection). It will then ultimately go into a boot cycle.
If I pull the diagnostics connection out of the modem, the router will boot up as expected.

Alex Atkin UK:
Did you specifically set an IP address for the bridge as AFAIK it shouldn't have one and there is no mention of configuring one in the guide?

I believe that is the defult value set when creating the IF

Alex Atkin UK:
If so it should be fine, as the guide doesnt mention changing it so I never looked.

I still have this restart issue though, where the ER-X gets a 192 address on the WAN port (with the diagnostic connection plugged in). It's like the two ports of the modem are still connected to the switch.

Is anyone using the VMG1312-B10A with an Edge router for a VSDL connection?


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