@Edinburgh_lad I have seen similar claims by posters on forums that their sync speed is better with one filter or another but as there is no filter on the xDSL signal path it is hard to believe there is any truth in them. There could be many other unrelated reasons for the sync speed to be different.
At least SOGEA can put this to rest.What's the 5c design fault? Worked fine on my line, I never saw a difference between various filters but then I have no extensions which is where a central filter can really help.
Seriously. You should order one from Tandy and try yourself. Fewer errors/less noise, too. If you do order, please report back on your observations.
Sounds like your 5c was defective if there is that much difference. Filter design will have some small effect as although it should in theory make no difference to the VDSL signal it must cause some loading on the line so will never be perfect. I have an NTE5a Mk3 and would certainly recommend that as it screws together properly, unlike the 5c cost-cut version.
If your line is stable enough, then why not test with the XF-1e to see if there's a difference. This would then either confirm or refute what is theory.
Every time I hoovered, the bloody thing came off. The choice was to stop hoovering nearby or to get a filter that connects to the test socket (ADSLNation) and so I chose the latter as I have an OCD about hoovering.Obviously I could have been less vigorous with the hoover, but with an OCD, it's like to have to do the thing but not necessarily enjoying it.