Happy 12th anniversary B*cat.
Your technical knowledge and excellent moderating skills make you an invaluable asset to the forum
Thank you everyone. I had a lovely card arrive through my letterbox signed on behalf of the forum regs. It had distinct markings of a black cat's paw print so thanks b*cat, the jkind gesture really does mean a lot to me.
I wasn't well enough to do anything exciting, but thanks to friends and family I still had a lovely day. My daughter brought dinner and I actually managed to eat and keep down a decentish size portion which is good.. and Ive been spoilt with 7 bouquets and orchid plants and several home made gifts that people have taken time and effort into making.
I'm looking forward to seeing my bro today, he was in a horrid accident early last year resulting in him being in a deep GCS3 coma. Details are incredibly personal and not open forum debate other than to say despite the odds he very briefly opened his eyes for my bday. Recovery isnt like on the tv or film when the person has to relearn how to walk and talk. Its a slow process but through sheer hard work hes done fantastic. As its difficult for me to get out now, Im so excited that he's coming over here