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Author Topic: DGA1432 xdsl latest datapump firmware  (Read 1009 times)


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DGA1432 xdsl latest datapump firmware
« on: October 31, 2022, 11:34:25 AM »


Does anyone has a comprehensive  summery whicht xdsl firmwares are the latest  and which are optimized for what purposes for the Technicolor DGA1432 Modem/router?

I have the problem with my two DGA 1432 Modems that the sync rate graduately keeps falling as  firmware updates of the dslam progresses....

First, (in 2020) I  got full sync with 292MBit Down and 46.7 mbit up and now only about 265 MB it Down (but still 46.7 MBit up) is possible.

You could say there are more subscribers on the Supervectoring trunk, which will be true, but  when I use a plain stock AVM Fritz 7590  I still get Fullsync without any problems and stable for weeks.

So, I'd like to try out  some new(er)  xdsl firmwares to see if something changes.

Since my DSLAM and DGA1432 are both Broadcom based, I still have hope:-)

Thanks  alot for your help.

