Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software
Well that time has come, FTTP live, FTTC now cancelled, just thought I should say thanks to roseway for DSL Stats running for just over 5 years on a Pi, awesome piece of work.
That's very kind of you. Enjoy your FTTP.
Well done "cyb" for the expression of thanks to Eric, made me feel guilt for not doing the same back in March when I migrated to FTTP.
I used DSLStats for many years on my sons, daughters and my own FTTC lines all running 24/7 on RPi's and remotely accessable via VNC, proved to be of particular value to me as I spent a lot of time working away from home and could easily monitor & diagnose any issues remotely wherever internet access was available.
We are all FTTP now and I almost miss the FTTC, DLM line maintenance challenges :)
So belatedly, thank you Eric for DSLStats and to the many knowledgable forum patrons who were always willing to offer support and remedial advice with any line issues revealed via this remarkable utility.
Thank you :)
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