Broadband Related > Router Monitoring Software



RouterStats currently 2.7eBETA as of today.

Have been messing about with this the last couple of days (as seen in another post) and must say it works very well.
I have set up the alarms to trigger when my downstream margin drops below 5dB (which for me is the point of no return if i am actually wanting to use the internet) - if this continues for 60 seconds it will reboot my router.
Reading the help files I even see a link back to

Having this running is good because if the connection reaches a point where it is about to drop the router reboots and things are fine again, very helpful when my wife is using the internet.

I was wondering tho is there a similar way of actioning these reboots at a certain trigger level that I could actually run off my router (DG834GT). Some sort of script/app I could load up in the router so that even when my PC is off (yes I do sometimes switch it off) something is monitoring my connection?

I really do need to find some time to have a play with this sometime,
I suppose I havent bothered too much because I have MRTG monitoring mine.

I've been running RouterStats for a few days now just to get a picture of what is happening in detail, just for interest, there are no problems.
A sample of stats from RouterStats log earlier this evening: -
Mon 04 Dec 2006  21:30:47,, Rx-Noise= 8, Tx-Noise= 24, Rx-Sync= 8128, Tx-Sync= 448
Mon 04 Dec 2006  21:31:07,, Rx-Noise= 6, Tx-Noise= 24, Rx-Sync= 8128, Tx-Sync= 448
Mon 04 Dec 2006  21:31:27,, Rx-Noise= -2, Tx-Noise= 24, Rx-Sync= 8128, Tx-Sync= 448
Mon 04 Dec 2006  21:31:47,, Rx-Noise= 6, Tx-Noise= 24, Rx-Sync= 8128, Tx-Sync= 448
Mon 04 Dec 2006  21:32:07,, Rx-Noise= 8, Tx-Noise= 24, Rx-Sync= 8128, Tx-Sync= 448

There was another occasion in this evening when the margin went to zero (Mondays are always bad) but the Netgear DG834v2 held on no worries.
I've not seen such a bad margin for some time, it was before I re-wired the extension with CAT5. Just trying to remember if it was when we put the kettle on!
And this was a test a few mins ago with a margin at 6db from
Download Speed: 6486 kbps (810.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 377 kbps (47.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
So, Max is doing ok ;D


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