Announcements > ISP Offers & Deals

Record breaking 'Black Friday' sales

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Black Sheep:
.... of FTTP orders, that is. Assisted with the discounted pricing deals, put in place with the CP's.

Up 67% on last year, and orders have tripled in the past two years.

Fully aware a few folk don't even have a proposed date yet, myself being one of them, but it's good news if your in this industry or a purchaser of the product. 

I was one of those who ordered FTTP as part of the BT deal with BT itself. Install due 15/12/21.  ;D


Alex Atkin UK:
I'd imagine the experience of working from home for some people made them much more keen to upgrade to something better, for the right price.


--- Quote from: Black Sheep on December 06, 2021, 08:43:10 AM ---Fully aware a few folk don't even have a proposed date yet, myself being one of them,...

--- End quote ---

Me too. I expect to be on 40Mbps or thereabouts for the foreseeable.

As long as they keep up the offers for those who dont get access to FTTP until late Black Sheep :)


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