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Author Topic: TCP Optimizer - DNS Benchmark  (Read 5718 times)


  • Kitizen
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  • Posts: 1451
TCP Optimizer - DNS Benchmark
« on: October 28, 2021, 06:34:28 PM »

has anyone tried these two tools from and Steve Gibson Research? ( (creator of Spinrite)

TCP Optimizer 4 : optimizes your window TCP/IP Stack settings best suited for your internet speed - it's always served me well, is great it has optimal and custom for the options, change over 25 settings. backups before apply

DNS Benchmark : a bit overkill in today's climate - but this little handy tool will tell you who the quickest DNS servers are to your location, and you can change them in both your router and windows, quicker yer PC gets the IP the quicker it loads...hehe
Aquiss - 900/110/16ms - TP-Link AR73


  • Kitizen
  • ****
  • Posts: 1104
Re: TCP Optimizer - DNS Benchmark
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2021, 08:59:49 PM »


The UK speed test is our platform and is in Maidenhead (now Pulsant)

The TCP Optimizer does make some changes but its hard to tell if improvement happens or just in the mind, as broadband is fluid.

You could give it a try but first I would run TCP Analyser to see if you how your setup

DNS Benchmark I cannot seem to find, but again, it is fluid and I cannot tell the difference between 0.02 and 0.04 so it is not an issue to me.

Many thanks

