Computers & Hardware > Android & other hand held devices

How (I'm baffled)?

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Removed the SIM card for a handset running Android 9 and put it in a different handset.

Rang number from another phone and it rang - tick.

Tried sending an SMS text from the new handset which was received - tick.

Sent an SMS text to the phone number - didn't get through.

Powered up the original handset (without any SIM) and it received the test text.

How can a phone without a SIM receive text messages?

Via wifi ?

Just tried again with WiFi off and no message received, turned WiFi on and it came through so you are right. Isn't SMS a mobile phone network feature, not an internet feature?

Text messages are sent to phone numbers, how can the handset know it's number to receive messages without a SIM?

It was originally. However over the last few years like calls can be routed over wifi so can some messages. It’s all ways been  so with iMessage I guess Android has something similar. There must be a setting somewhere to turn feature on or off. You need to remove from the old handset !

Wifi calling was the gist of the reply I deleted, but then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that even with wifi calling a Sim card would be needed as the phone is just connecting to the mobile network via the ISP rather than directly to a mobile signal.

No other suggestion  ???


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