Did anyone purchase anything good?
I bought some Hive GU10 bulbs that I'd been waiting until they were on offer. For some obscure reason they only discounted the single bulbs and not the multipacks for the GU10s, but it wasnt too bad as I was only needing 4 to finish off everything downstairs... except the main lounge light that has 6xGU9 leds so will have to wait until Hive to bring out a wall switch for that. The other item on my 'wait until prime day' list was another wireless phone charger. There wasnt a deals on the make I'd been wanting, but picked up a similar Anker version that was a good price. I've had Anker things in the past which have been very good so looking forward to that arriving today.
Also got a couple of impulse buys which were ~half price or less - a Galaxy Smart Tag and a wallet Tile. Will be interesting to see comparison between the 2 makes. Although the Tiles were slightly cheaper, I wanted the Galaxy Tag for my keys as it looked more key fobbish, but the winning feature was the multi-use button as remote smart control. I should be able to hook this up to Alexa to say set up turn on/off lights and then a long press for something else such as turn on heating.
I think the wallet Tile is self explanatory, just a basic credit card size tag that fits in your purse/wallet. That's already arrived and although I've not played with it yet, I am impressed with how slim it is. Was originally going to get a tag for my handbag, but after seeing Tile did a credit card version thought that would be better as its usually my purse that I end up looking for