Internet > Interesting Websites

Article about trellis coded modulation


I made a post a while back recommending the website.

I have been rereading this article about TCM on the excellent website. I don’t understand the details of exactly how the gains found in TCM manage to more than offset the loss caused by going up to a constellation with twice as many points, thus making TCM worthwhile - in fact hugely so. I also got lost with some of the later details about the choice of methods in the sequence coding. Also I’m full of morphine and that really really doesn’t help either.

Can anyone else help give me some tips to help me ‘get it’? I need to do the numbers to see how the gains found can be so large.

Gottfried Ungerböck was certainly a genius I think; it must have been a nightmare working through all of this and finding that there was something to be gained, and then that gain turned out to be enormous.


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