Thinking back to the advent of personal computers IBM PC and clones, early eighties, come to think of it... I may remember dismissing them too, as “not real computers”.

Working on mainframes, a real computer was to me recognisable as a system of huge cabinets, with hissing tape drives, clattering printers, and disc drives that resembled top-loading washing machines, filling a specially constructed air-conditioned room. There would often be an adjacent room, where the manufacturer’s engineers could hang out.
I suppose I do now recognise my iMac as a computer, as well as my recently deceased Dell box that ran XP. So I guess I must be moving with the times after all. But an iPad..? Sorry, that crosses a red line for me, definitely not a computer, regardless of whether it has a keyboard. Won’t try to justify it, just my irrational gut feeling.