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Warning - short term memory


 A warning to all kitizens once again. My short-term memory is getting even worse. I was about to post a link to a useful website but luckily I realised the danger of repetition, smelt a rat, and did a search with Kitz’s search facility only to find that I have posted exactly the same idea for days earlier four days earlier yet I have absolutely no memory of such. The morphine that I am now taking by mouth really is having an effect of wiping out the recent past. So apologies in advance. It’s such a blessed relief though to now finally have an ‘off switch’ for the pain if I take bucketfuls of the stuff. I can just have a nap when I need to now. I’m wondering why I even bother with the medication as perhaps a dram or six would have the same effect? I would be spending all of my pocket money in Tesco’s drink section mind you.

I do wish that I could do a phrase search. And I’d also like to be able to do a search for whole words only, not part-words. Searching for something like "ds" matches "vdsl" for example. Regex searches would be useful for some of this, but not all. Asking for the moon on a stick might involve nonindexed searches. (Is the term I’m looking for a ‘secondary search’? ie a straight linear time sequential beginning to end search without the benefit of an index. I have some dim recollection from a database textbook decades ago,  it I have probably got this wrong.)

Sorry to hear about the memory problem - must be frustrating.
I'm sure the "dram or six" would work - as a very expensive analgesic.  ;)
--- Quote from: Weaver on May 27, 2019, 03:59:14 PM --- I do wish that I could do a phrase search.

--- End quote ---
You can when the phrase is in quotes. eg
"rather worrying take" brings up only the recent thread on smart meters.

>> I do wish that I could do a phrase search.

As already mentioned by 4candles, the search facility will allow you to use modifiers such as quotes or minus.
Make sure you are using the advanced search though from the top left bar next to the help button....   and not  quick search which is top right.
More info here.

>> My short-term memory is getting even worse.  It’s such a blessed relief though to now finally have an ‘off switch’ for the pain.

I can fully sympathise,  after years of going round in circles, trying other meds which didn't really help then Oramorph was a blessed relief for me too.  However being able to digest any info when taking it is nigh on impossible.   Everything just jumbles into an non comprehensive blur of text and the day just passes me by :D



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