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I am wondering if I might be able to start using PGP email. About the value and feasibility in general. I have no experience of PGP. ( I looked into setting up S/MIME some years ago, but it seems to be a complete nightmare getting iOS set up and I had to admit defeat. )

Do you think I could get PGP set up, with a bit of hand-holding?

There’s also the question of how to integrate it with Apple Mail on iPad. If the end result of that is too much of a pain to use then I can see that it would be a white elephant.

I read something about a keyboard processor module app for PGP. The suggested advantage was that it can interwork with various existing apps rather than requiring the user to replace their beloved mail app with a PGP-speaking one that is unfamiliar and perhaps inferior.

I have seen keyboard processor modules before - my wife uses one or two.


Any PGP users?


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