Do you have any further details on this? Is it a modem that isn't Vectoring capable?
They are the only keep to use IPoE on FTTC. It requires no username/password but the system needs to recognise you to authenticate. I believe it uses a form of Circuit ID to authenticate.
Random question for you BlackSheep. Does an OpenReach circuit ID ever change? Say after ceasing/reactivating a line?
I know my OpenReach circuit ID, or did, if it changes.
1) That appears to be the case, j0hn .... in certain circumstances we have to ring the DCoE to have the vectoring removed for the router to synch, but in fairness .... these instances are far less than they were lets say, 6 months back.
2) Not a question I could answer I'm afraid. I only work in the 'here and now', so wouldn't have details of the previous circuit ID.
By circuit ID, I think you are alluding to the ID that begins with (normally from what I see) BBEU*********** ?? If so, then yes ... that, along with the C-Tag and S-Tag details (commonly referred to as 'the build') have to marry up in order for synch to take place.
I hope this is the info you were after, apologies if not.