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Author Topic: No internet  (Read 6660 times)


  • Senior Kitizen
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No internet
« on: August 15, 2018, 03:51:08 AM »

I have had apps such Netflix or Safari suddenly saying 'no internet' or something similar and telling me to turn mobile network on, as if they have lost the WLAN. Stupidly, I have not thought to really debug the situation with things like pinging the router doing a traceroute to the isp and so forth at the time. Ridiculous that I did not also check things like the routing table IP address ownership and so forth.

A quick off / on on 'Wifi' in Settings will cure it. I think I may have posted about something similar before but that iirc was a temporary thing, with no on/off required.

It do not see how it can be the fault of the WAPs as they have not changed. The signal level is excellent and the speed reported by the WAP for my ipad which is ten metres away from the WAP is 200 - 300 Mbps. The problems started with ios 11.4.0 and then 11.4.1 I think. Certainly no problem before then. I am just hoping that iOS 12 will be a lot more reliable. I would really like a very boring release that just concentrates in delivering bug fixes found as a result if serious in depth testing.

Anyone else getting this kind of problems?


  • Kitizen
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Re: No internet
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2018, 07:37:47 AM »

I'm still on iOS 10.3.3, with no possibility of updating this (relatively) old iPad.  :(


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Re: No internet
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2018, 08:18:23 AM »

DHCP issue perhaps?  If using DHCP, any chance of switching to fixed IP?


  • Senior Kitizen
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Re: No internet
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2018, 09:09:14 AM »

Well, I do use DHCP but the address is effectively fixed in that it is locked down. The thing is that has not changed either, and I have not had problems until the last month or so. Good point tho. I should have done more checks when it happened. I am loath to make it statically configured because being an iPad it is portable.

Actually I don't know if this is a fair argument but when I used a bogus RFC1918 IPv4 address with not nat and no default IPv4 gateway is there was no ipv4 connectivity then I did not get the no internet error message and indeed accessing web sites was fine because I was doing so over IPv6 successfully. So the question then is what exactly was the condition that triggered the error message? It was not "no working IPv4" but indeed it could be "IPv4 expired". I suppose that I could make the DHCP lifetime ridiculously long or better for testing ridiculously short to see if that might help trigger this phenomenon.


  • Kitizen
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Re: No internet
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2018, 09:40:30 AM »

Hi weaver

My first thought would be power save feature, which turns off Wi-Fi when you reach a certain amount of power left. I think it’s 30%. I have mine turned off for power save mode

I thought the latest update was to help older devices with power consumption usage. Prior to the latest update, the mobile would goto about 20% battery and die suddenly. The latest version does not do this and is much more graceful

You can set each Wi-Fi connection separately, so you could set static for 1 ssid and dhcp for another, and it used each correctly

I have not seen your issue in iOS 11

Many thanks



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Re: No internet
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2018, 10:32:28 AM »

Trouble with DHCP is, no matter how well configured and well behaved one device is, another badly behaved device can try to use same address...    I tend to split the address range of my own networks, such that (say) the DHCP pool is assigned the lower half, and static for the upper half.

I believe you can configure your iPad to use static IP on a particular  SSID(or SSIDs), whilst still allowing it to use DHCP on others.   But ISTR the process of configuration can be a little fraught.


  • Senior Kitizen
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  • Retd s/w dev; A&A; 4x7km ADSL2 lines; Firebrick
Re: No internet
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2018, 11:24:21 AM »

If it does seem to be DHCP-related can certainly do that. But I am also thinking about this iPad Pro 12" being sickly as it dies when on battery not mains, apple diagnostics said battery faulty and the mic does not work. I just had an instance of the fault now, and could not see any problems with IP address assignment or the routing table (have an app that shows me all the detail).

And before that it was saying no 3G, reboot and 3G is all good, plus other ipad says 3`g is all good too.