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Meet Pangur Bàn

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We have located a playmate (hopefully) for poor lonely little Somhairle who has nothing to do now and no one to play with, although as ever he spends all day following Janet around including outside and asking to be picked up and cuddled which makes him purr. Somhairle curls up with Caoimhe who wants to cuddle up to him, but he puts his back feet into her sometimes and pushes her away or sometimes he spits and they both flinch waiting for a flinging match. This is because she has sat on top of him far too many times in the past, squashing him in order to get his warm spot, so now he just glares and assumes the worst, when she nowadays is just trying to be really nice and cuddle up next to him.

The new little fellow arrives from Livingston on Tuesday. He has been named Pangur Bàn.

I hope you all will get along happily together.  :)

The new arrival is male and a bit younger than Somhairle so I am desperately hoping the two will play together. The idea is that being younger he will be non-threatening and being male he will understand boys’ games.

See pic of the little fellow.

Awww he's gorgeous <3   

He has arrived. He is tiny. He is terrified, shaking like a leaf and peed on Janet after Somhairle hissed at him. Somhairle growled and howled at the top of his voice. Caoimhe, our older oriental was completely unconcerned gave him a bit of a sniff, then went to sit next to him and gave him a very half-hearted hiss afterwards and then just started to doze off on my lap near the new kitten who is now at my shoulder.

I have forgotten how tiny these fellas were. We will have to be wise as we introduce the boys to one another.


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