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Author Topic: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)  (Read 136422 times)


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #435 on: March 25, 2020, 07:45:17 PM »

Has anyone got johnson's firmware for the VMG3925-B10B ?

I believe he posted his own version a while ago, but I can't find where...



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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #436 on: March 26, 2020, 08:42:35 AM »

Has anyone got johnson's firmware for the VMG3925-B10B ?

I believe he posted his own version a while ago, but I can't find where...


Just the jumbo frames or all the bells and whistles? Will need to compile a new one with the javascript fixes if its the latter.


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #437 on: March 26, 2020, 09:24:40 AM »

3925 version would be awesome


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #438 on: March 26, 2020, 09:37:54 AM »

Heres a dropbox link with the just jumbo frames one:

Compiling the others now.

Edit: updated link for list view
« Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 03:38:47 AM by johnson »


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #439 on: March 26, 2020, 10:31:35 AM »

Heres a dropbox link with the just jumbo frames one:

Compiling the others now.
Thank you !


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #440 on: March 26, 2020, 11:01:37 AM »

Uploaded with the stats server to the same dropbox link.

As always, tested to boot on real hardware and have correct features.

Alex Atkin UK

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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #441 on: March 27, 2020, 02:22:29 PM »

Uploaded with the stats server to the same dropbox link.

As always, tested to boot on real hardware and have correct features.

This was unexpected, thanks.

However I uploaded the file, the Zyxel rebooted but I'm not seeing any difference.
Are the stats supposed to be on port 8000?  Can I even tell if it flashed at all?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 03:57:14 PM by Alex Atkin UK »
Broadband: Zen Full Fibre 900 + Three 5G Routers: pfSense (Intel N100) + GL.iNet GL-X3000/ Spitz AX WiFi: Zyxel NWA210AX
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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #442 on: March 28, 2020, 03:34:29 AM »

This was unexpected, thanks.

However I uploaded the file, the Zyxel rebooted but I'm not seeing any difference.
Are the stats supposed to be on port 8000?  Can I even tell if it flashed at all?

Not sure what to suggest, have just tried flashing back to stock then flashing the 3925-B10B-13-jumbo-statsV1.1.bin downloaded from dropbox, has the stats server present at modemip:8000.

Unfortunately I have tried and failed to find a way to update the version string on the 3925, so you can check it has flashed this version by logging into telnet with supervisor and:

Code: [Select]
$ cd /var/tmp/stats/
$ ls
data              gz                manifest.json
favicon.ico       icons   
getdata           index.html        stats-server-bin


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #443 on: March 28, 2020, 11:39:43 AM »

The whole process of loading firmware into the modem is very dodgy and error prone. I have a written procedure now which I use. I start with a hole-poke 20s reset - described elsewhere but I can post up my procedure if you wish.

Coming back to uploading firmware in the usual web UI though, iirc, without looking at my notes, you might have to hit refresh in the browser after you have selected the firmware file and clicked go-for-it and then you go to any other item in the menu then back into the config loading menu option, this should make an in-progress menu appear.


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #444 on: March 28, 2020, 11:42:35 AM »

@johnson I’ve just loaded your latest (mid-Feb) release into one of my new modems and it is absolutely superb. A stunning job and I appreciate just how much work you have put in for me and all of us. Thank you so much!  ;D


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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #445 on: March 28, 2020, 12:07:57 PM »

Here’s the full-reset procedure I use, with firmware loading and then config loading:
   •   Set your machine to / / gateway
   •   Plug ethernet cable into modem’s port 2 or 3 and into main switch
   •   Power the modem off
   •   insert a pokey implement into the modem’s reset hole to depress the switch (there is a similarly sized but protruding WPS)
   •   Power modem on, keeping poker poked in all the time still
   •   Keeping poker in, LED will flash for 20s then go solid red
   •   Release poker
   •   If the device is left in the solid red light mode then a recovery page should appear at, but only if the ethernet cable is connected to port 2 or 3. Port 1 or is it 4 -which is it -will not work, depending on which way you read the port numbering. (I think the port on the far right is the bad one.)
   •   file selector prompt, select the firmware file something.bin
   •   After you hit enter at the load firmware prompt, after so many secs the screen should change to show a [back] button. (If not, then you may have put cable in the wrong port, so check it is in port 2 or 3)
   •   Takes forever to blow flash, no UI feedback
   •   after 2 mins the modem will reboot (no progress indication)
   •   When the modem web UI comes up, at log in with username=admin, password=1234
   •   Forcible password change, set password to your choice
If you are loading your own saved standard config file:
[   •   using menu option "configuration" > "restore", choose an XML config file
   •   When you have waited for a minute or so, hit refresh in browser
   •   you have to make sure you go back into the the "configuration" menu again, then modem will reboot
   •   Modem’s IP address will now change - it might be wrong when the modem boots if the config file specified something other than the default, so change your machine’s address if necessary accordingly
   •   Wait an age until the modem config is loaded (v. approx 4 min for me)
Then when config loading has completed
Main part all done.

First job:
   •   telnet into modem, log in as "supervisor", with your standard supervisor password  - ask if you don’t know this
   •   Telnet CLI : Enter the command :  save_default clean
   •   enter the command: exit
All done.

Alex Atkin UK

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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #446 on: March 28, 2020, 02:31:47 PM »

Thanks for all the advise, its just tricky as that is the modem currently in the Plusnet g.INP trial so I don't want to mess with it too much.

Of course I've misplaced my second modem which would be a perfect candidate for this, grrrr.
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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #447 on: March 29, 2020, 05:17:51 PM »

Hi everyone.

I am having issues with a suspected faulty ECI openreach modem (circa 5mb speeds on fibre) so have picked up a VMG1312-B10A on eBay. It could be the opnsense box, although it's a reasonably performant thin client.
I plan on installing Johnson's firmware and using it in bridge mode. I see there are a few versions available at
I take it X6 is better in some way to X1? What does V17 / V26 signify?



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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #448 on: March 30, 2020, 05:34:11 PM »

x1 is the modem code that johnson used in his older custom firmwares that aren't on github, but on this forum as dropbox links.
x1 was generally only beneficial on vectoring lines and had stability issues for regular lines [or just performed horribly for some other guy on this forum], so it wasn't recommended to anyone without vectoring.
x6 is should be better than x1 and i am currently testing it [i tested x1 in the past] - i can't tell you if it's good yet, i have to wait until i'm 7 days uptime [i had line drops every 6 hours the past week due to external interference which is what led me to trying it. it didn't solve the issue but the last time i had interference was more than a day ago so maybe i would get 7 days uptime to know if x6 is stable. so far it's stable but specific people can get completely negative results so i would say that even then, it still depends].
what i recommend for now is getting the .bin without "x6" in its name because it contains the version "v" which is the original modem code that is "truly" compatible with the dsl driver which is d26a. x6 was taken from a newer ZyXEL modem with the dsl driver d26s so it may have the same issues as x1.

for now, unless you have a line with vectoring, get 1312-B10A-17-jumbo-tel-stats1.1-cmd.bin [modem code version "v"].
i personally chose one with "stats" in it since the program "DSLStats" seemed to consistently crash my router into a forced restart after a certain period of time whenever i used it. even if i used it once. the stats server doesn't take much or any processing from the device so it can't hurt. v17 signifies the 1312-B10A firmware version released by ZyXEL, before johnson added the other things. v26 is for 8924 and 8324 so it's not for your device.

i still telnet "ifconfig ppp1.1 mtu 1500" [i have pppoe 1492 mtu without the baby jumbo frames] on each ISP connection establishment because i still have to for some reason. it could be because i didn't reset the device to default after upgrading from v14 with jumbo frames by Olipro. if you don't use the device in bridge mode you might have to do that to the PPP link. maybe i misunderstood what johnson said though:
1508 MTU 'baby' jumbo frames

Changes to to the ethernet driver to allow > 1500 MTU ethernet frames & changes to the PTM network driver to bring the link up with an MTU of 1508 by default.
not a problem though.

here is what the SNR graph showed for x1:
at the last tones you see a curve downward. that did not happen on V which had a spiral upward.
so far into day 2, x6 doesn't have that problem. [i don't have vectoring] but, actually, i don't have DLM on my line. so i can experiment with anything and do whatever i want without consequences, unlike most people. you probably have DLM on your line, so i recommend sticking to V until i test this one. [its compatibility with the older dsl driver d26a, that is].

you can jump in on x6 right now but without vectoring that decision is questionable, as i still don't know how it performs. you can see in this thread that "one guy" who had horrible results from day 1 with x1:,21683.msg376325.html#msg376325

edit: this post has three graphs, one of x1 and two of V showing what i mean about SNR graphs differences. [because it has a deeper meaning than just less downstream sync or whatever].
i attached x6 close up image and those last tones are pretty similar to V's as you can see [so far, as i can't tell what will happen by day 7]. V had a bit of an upward curve rather than straight but it's a very tiny difference in terms of SNR gained. i'll test V after 3 weeks with x6 or something like that. i'll also take in consideration the error rate differences but those can vary on their own. looking at overall rates over 3 weeks on both should be conclusive. other people could have very different results than mine though.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 08:33:16 PM by spring »

Alex Atkin UK

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Re: BCM63168 Modems that Support Baby Jumbo Frames (Bridge Mode)
« Reply #449 on: March 30, 2020, 06:13:39 PM »

Just to feed back, I did get my modems updated in the end and the stats work fine.  Huge thanks to Johnson for adding this to the VMG3925-B10B.
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