British Gas came this afternoon and installed Hive. I'm very impressed at how well it integrates with Alexa.
When the engineer turned up.. he apologised saying "Im sorry but the engineer scheduled to fit your kit is off sick today and he has the Hive that was registered to you on his van, but rather than disappoint I'm going to check your boiler and see if I can get it working with equipment that I carry".
All credit to the engineer.. he checked my boiler and said yes he could proceed. He spent about 1/2hr to 3/4 hr doing the rewiring on my boiler and fitting a Hive receiver.
He had problems registering the first hub, but he swapped it out with another which would accept my issued details after a phone call to Hive Service centre. (Devices are supposedly registered to home address for security reasons).
He then spent a good hour going through the app with me (he really didn't need to as I didn't let on I was a bit techie) and bless him, he could see that I do have some physical disabilities and he even borrowed a ladder and installed & set up the Hive lightbulb in my hall landing (these are on offer if you order hive heating). Installation of any lighting didn't come with the package I ordered but he did so anyhow. He went through the app in fine detail to make sure I knew what it was capable of and even offered to screw and fit the Hive thermostat backing plate to a wall of my choice (again not something I expected as not really in the contract as I previously didnt have a wall mounted thermostat). He didn't leave until he was 100% certain that I was happy with installation.
Me being me has had great fun this evening asking Alexa what the temperature of my house is, messing with settings and asking Alexa to dim the hall light etc.
A+++ to the British Gas engineer. Just wish I had this on Sunday when I woke up on a really bad pain day and it was cold, yet I was struggling to get out of bed and downstairs to turn on the heating. I did so bumping downstairs on my arse.. but in future I can just say 'Alexa turn on my heating'.
Final wish is that Hive did an SES bulb for the porch lighting (see previous posts) and then I really would be a happy bunny.
As it stands the package I bought during the Black Friday event was well worth it and the savings over any other system was quite substantial. I saved £90 (not counting the discounted hall landing bulb) and for me it certainly was worth it getting British Gas to do all the installing.