Broadband Related > ADSL Issues

Can you get electric shocks from phone wiring ?

(1/5) > >>

I read that there can be 50v travelling down the telephone lines ?

Is there a danger of getting a nasty shock when doing some diy telephone wiring ?
or is it only a danger if someone happens to ring while you are touching the wires ?

Its not nice. I have had it before and it hurts.

Its not enough to kill you though but its defiantly not pleasant.

Just don't hold the two wires in your junction box at the same time(i can't believe i was so silly).


And don't strip the wires with your teeth. :)

And on no account go anywhere near it during a thunderstorm.

(speaking as someone who returned home to find most of the electronics in the house more or less destroyed, a thin smear of carbon where the telephone line used to be, holes burnt in carpets, sockets blown out of the wall..etc etc..: insurance insisted on a total rewire.)

OK, thanks for that advice.

Crikey tnp .... sure it wasn't a microwave bomb being tested nearby ?


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