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Useful app - NetworkToolbox - on app store

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This multifunction network tools app is like a swiss army knife for sysadmins but one important feature that it has, which is not so obvious, is a whole set of security tests for vulnerabilities in routers (or servers too poss) which can alert you to the possibility of exploits.

It isn't a malware scanner afaik - I don't know yet whether or not it can spot routers that have already been compromised in certain ways. Of course tampering can open backdoors and one malware instance can open the door for other species, so it might spot evidence of existing compromise too late indirectly, by seeing doors left open or spotting config changes.

Thanks so much for this Weaver. I've just purchased it and had my first look around it this morning. So far so good - it's a very nice design, very user-friendly and seems to provide a plethora of tools. For a not so experienced person like myself, this is also pretty nice to use. :)

He seems like a good guy, the developer, and he's put an enormous amount of work in, for relatively little reward, so I'd like people to recommend him if you find this useful. Has the odd crash, mind, so I hope there is a crash dump collection facility available to him, but I don't know anything about the usual such facilities that tend to be found in iOS. Does any one know about ios system and app event logs and remote crash dump uploads?

is "net toolbox" the exact name? I found something with the same name on android, but it is not what you describe.

I just rechecked the Apple App Store, where it is spelled NetworkToolbox, by Marcus Roskosch, title is all one word, no hyphen. I was inaccurate when I did the original post.


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