Hi Phil, thanks for you input.
Have you tried different power supplies and phone leads for example?
Yes. The modem is located nearby and plugs directly into the SSFP.
When I had FTTC installed, Openreach relocated the NTE to the PC room, and I no longer have any internal phone wiring as the phones are cordless. Line sounds fairly clear both using the DECT phones and also tested with an old corded phone.
I have swapped modems/power supplies and modem cable - none of which make any difference. The VMG8324 always performed better than the HG612 even before the current issue started. I don't know about the VMG8131 as that was a recent purchase just to rule out it wasn't the VMG8324 and/or its power supply.
The issue is weird - it started after my line went down at exactly 04:45 on the 19th of Oct. The line was down for about 15 mins and when it came back up, that's when the regular pulsing of the SNR started. Prior to 19th Oct, my SNRm was a straight line and never really deviated by more than about 0.1dB. - more info
here. Since then Ive gone from ~84Mbps attainable down to 70Mb sync.
Sometimes it will clear if I power down the modem and leave it off for a while, but not always. If I do this, then it only clears for a few hours before the oscillations start again. At times the connection can be very laggy and throughput low, this is obviously due to the large amount of errors. DLM has intervened but its only really masking the issue. FEC rate is still quite high. I quite often see buffering now when watching IPTV.
Its odd that it will sometimes clear after a power down, but it will return. The way the SNR flaps around mades me recall issues with certain line cards on some BT MSANs about 8yrs ago -
azzaka knows more about the make/model - I cant remember now as I was on LLU at that time.
This may not be related but my neighbour also had a broadband fault starting exactly the same week. Her speeds started deteriotating until she had no sync at all on the 15th of Nov. She doesnt know what it was other than Openreach said it was something between the home and the exchange.
Ive not raised a fault fully expecting them to come back with sync speed is still in the acceptable range. Plus Im also stressed out with a few other things going on and not sure if I could cope with the hastle of trying to deal with PN & Openreach