For the last few days I could not understand why with my Vista/XP duel boot system Vista keeps losing all of it's Restore Points.
I just put it down to a fault of some sort, but I just came across this article which is very enlightening to say the least and explains WHY.
This is part of it: Go to "Item number 10"
Dual boot system and losing your Restore Points ?
The problem:Windows XP automounts every disk it detects, including external or removable hard disks.
As part of the automounting process, NTFS writes to the disk, and these writes are detected by the volsnap.sys driver in Windows XP.
Because this version of volsnap.sys does not recognize the persistent shadow copies (also known as restore points) made by the volsnap.sys driver in Windows Vista, Windows XP cannot maintain the integrity of the shadow copy storage area and deletes the shadow copies to avoid corrupting them.
Note that dual-booting Windows Vista with Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition will also result in the shadow copies being deleted.
The impact:When booting into Windows XP and automounting a disk, you will notice the following effects on the disk after booting back to Windows Vista:
All restore points are deleted from the disk.
All previous versions of files are deleted from the disk.
All but the most recent CompletePC Backups are deleted from the disk. The remaining backup made by CompletePC Backup is full and complete and can be used to restore your entire computer.
File backups are not affected because these backups do not rely on restore points.
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