As you say, FEC = Forward error correction, so any info that is transmitted that gets corrupted will be corrected byt he router.
But, this is what I noticed with the home hub, after turning the home hub on and off, sometimes it would give 1 or 2 errors over 5 hours or so, and the next time it would give hundreds of thousands.
It is normal with interleaving to get FEC errors and they are nothing to worry about, but if you get hundreds of thousands or millions, BT's equipment detect that and then adjust your line accordingly, when if it is a case of the router's firmware being crap or basically just a crap router, then BT can mess with your line when infact the router is the cause of the problem, thats what I found out.
When i first got activated with btmax, my bt home hub arrived at 7am, but i was still in bed, so I nevver got it the day my line was enabled, so I used a z00m x4 which only syncd at 79** but on fast mode, I had no errors and no resyncs at all while using it, I noticed that I wasnt getting the max sync speed, so I plugged in my livebox, it synced at 8128 staright away but I couldnt surf due to the livebox being locked to wanadoo. I then put the zoom x4 back in and it still synced at 7900 odd but it was a good connection with no interleaving and no errors, 2 days later I got my home hub, then thats where all the problems began, it would resync if I sneezed basically and within seconds of me first attaching the home hub, I got errors and then my line was changed to interleaving ?
I wasnt worried about the FEC errors as they mean the info has been sorted by the router and it hasnt asked the server to resend, but the crc errors and hec errors I never got with anything else except the bt home hub, I just think the home hub is a twitchy piece of kit, some times it performed with no errors, then a reset or reboot and it would throw up thousands.
Thats my personal opinion anyhow, I maybe completely wrong and maybe infact it could be all my other routers that are borked and the home hub was the only one showing the correct info
? doubtful but could happen.
After reading of people getting 5 and 6 replacement bt home hubs and my experience, I tend to think the home hub is a cheap piece of kit that is only good for pc users who dont really know anything about pc's, as long as they get connected to the internet they are oblivious to what the settings and stats on there router mean....
Going by my problems, I wouldnt exactly quote having millions of FEC errors aday is quite normal and nothing to worry about, it was proved now that my line has 0 problems, but the router was throwing up errors by the bucketload, I would only expect that amount of errors to affect someone that is like 5-6k away from the exchange or someone with a really shaky line, as the OP stated, he practically lives on the exchange, ok that doesnt mean anything, as various factors are at work, but I tend to think that someone close to an exchange would normally have a decentish line.
As I say to the OP before, try another router if you can and see if the errors will atleast be lower, the fec errors will probably always show up and are nothing to worry about as you are on interleaving mode instead of fast mode, but with another router, you may only get a couple hundred aday like I did, and no CRC and HEC erros at all.
I hope you get it all worked out, as it took me a while to get threw to BT to get things sorted, basically interleaving being turned on for me was the root cause of all my problems, how it got turned on after 2 days of stable use with no errors and decent sync speed, then 30 minutes of using the home hub it got turned on is a mystery, but now its off I get no errors and highets possible sync speed and this as my speed test, and I am 1.5km away from the exchange and my exchange is congested, it was supposed to be upgraded yesterday, 13th october, but that was only a provisional date.
Download Speed: 6905 kbps (863.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 314 kbps (39.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
compared to 500-650 max before.