Well that's showing as G.INP being off.
Can the ratios be compared to a typical Huawei one?
Their is no bit rate for bearer 1 for example on ECI, is the implementation not different?
Either way it syncs higher than it used to.
Also ratio with HG612 with G.INP on was 0.967.
FWIW, the ratio for HG612s without G.INP is approximately 96.79% or 0.968
For HG612s with G.INP active, the ratio is approximately 96.69% or 0.967
could suggest that G.INP is not actually active when using the HH5a.
However, according to stats from the HG612 with G.INP reported as active when connected to the ECI DSLAM active do show the connection is on fastpath (Bearer 0 Interleaving depth = 1), whereas HG612s on Huawei DSLAMs with G.INP active tend to have Bearer 0 interleaving depths of 8 or 16.
I think we'd have to see more G.INP related stats from other users on ECI DSLAMs before coming to final conclusions.