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Author Topic: Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?  (Read 6061 times)


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Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?
« on: January 27, 2016, 01:58:26 PM »

Widespread reports on multiple news sites that Safari browsers are crashing, as of today.    My iPad 2, (iOS 9.2) wasn't crashing, but I was able to make it crash after opening settings App and turning on 'Safari Suggestions'.  Then following  closing and relaunching the App, sure enough, it crashes with the first keystroke I hit in the address bar.   :-[

The avoidance, obviously, is to go to settings and disable 'Safari suggestions'.  That's my preferred setting anyway, hence I hadn't noticed. Rumour has it that OS X Safari is affected too, though mine seems OK.  Haven't yet played with settings to see if I can reproduce it.

It will be fascinating to see if Apple ever provide a decent technical explanation for this?   :-\


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Re: Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 02:32:16 PM »


Yes, noticed this morning on iPhone 5s

Probably connected with last iOS update earlier this week

I'll try your suggestion though, as I workaround by going to bookmark for Google

Many thanks



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Re: Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 02:35:08 PM »


Your suggestion worked lovely and no longer crashes

Thank you

Many thanks



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Re: Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2016, 03:17:06 PM »

Glad to have helped but can't claim too much credit, just repeating what had been published elsewhere. :)


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Re: Anybody noticed Safari crashing today?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2016, 04:57:28 PM »

BBC are now saying it's been fixed.

I'd treat anything that BBC news has to say on technology with a pinch of salt, mind you.   In particular, I note...

This would suggest that the problem was caused by a process happening at Apple's data centres, rather than a coding error in Safari itself.

Whilst I wait with interest to see if Apple offer a full explanation, the Beeb's statement is IMHO a big leap in reasoning.  In my book, an App that crashes contains a bug, period - there is no excuse for crashing.  It is probably not a major bug on the grand scale of things, if it only occurs as a side-effect of a problem elsewhere. But in my view that would simply suggest there is a bug in the code that validates the remote data.  So in the absence of some convincing mitigating circumstances to be revealed by Apple, I'd assert that it is quite wrong of the BBC to suggest that it is not a bug in Safari (or a not a 'coding error' as the BBC call it).    >:(

Apol's if it seems I am being too picky, but the Beeb is widely (if wrongly) respected by many youngsters a source of knowledge.  They may be inadvertently defining the 'coding standards' of the next generation, and  they need to get these things right.  :(
