One wonders how Kitz is getting on with her new Android tablet
Because it was from Father Christmas, I didnt really get time to play and set everything up until fairly recently.
Not given a progress report because Im now turning over to the other side with everything.
My phone contract was up a couple of months ago, but with everything else going on, I hadnt had chance to do anything about that either, but the week before xmas I got a new Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo too (cant afford the s6) so I have lots of geeky things to play with as I will also describe later.
I wont do a like for like compare other than to say I am really very happy with both devices and have absolutely no complaints with them. Am I glad I switched.. so far yes. Would I go back to Apple - No, the main reason so far is how much cheaper the accessories are.
The one hiccup was:- As you are aware I do a lot of streaming and despite trying an app that is supposed to cast to the Apple TV I was unable to get this working properly.
So I bought a chromecast which was in the sale. This was a real PITA to set up using samsung galaxy devices.. and dont laugh but I resorted to using the ipod to set it up (Something to do with
Smart Network and despite hours of searching I couldnt turn it off on either device). Once set up it casts perfectly fine. So the only fly in the ointment has been setting up chromecast... But considering it only cost me £25 compared to how much an Apple TV is I have no real moans. I can easily plug the chromecast into any TV on my network and it just dangles from the HDMI port hidden away. I should imagine it wouldnt look quite so pretty though if your TV HDMI is on the side rather than the reverse.
However, when searching for a solution for the chromecast made me think again about my usage and I thought wouldnt it be nice to be able to stream to the upstairs TV and not be reliant on my tablet or phone when I use iplayer 4od etc. So Ive just forked out £15 for a Now TV box for the upstairs tele which includes 3 months free entertainment package. I have no intention of continuing after the 3 months has finished. I bought it for the box which still allows me to stream iplayer, itv hub, c4 and c5 for free. I can still cast via the chromecast, but I envisage that the new setup makes the ATV and any casting a bit redundant. Also means I can do other things on the tablet whilst streaming and less charging up of the tablet needed.