I can’t get this tool to work. It just hangs for me. I assumed it was my firewalling settings, my Firebrick was not too strict and too paranoid to allow sufficient types of ICMP packets in. So on my iPad I changed to direct 4G, turned off Wi-Fi just to be sure, and thus bypassed my Firewall router, so no firewall at all, but then I still got the same problem. It used to work for me, at one time; I’ve changed my firewalling, but that can’t be an issue since I’m not going via that route at the moment.
Can you get it to work for you?
Has it just died for some reason, or is it still me doing something stupid?
I’m now getting an answer when I use it via my firewall, via my router that is, and understandably it’s saying it can’t get to my own iPad to probe that. However, it could not get to the wan-facing address of my router either, which is more surprising. When I went back to testing my own iPad’s 4G i/f’s address though, I just get the same old hang. So how does it know?
I’ve noticed that the text inside the [go] button changes, from something like "Test it!" to "Testing…", which is not sensible, as you could hit the button twice. It would be better to get rid of the button and put up some plain text instead, or even better still perhaps to go to another page. This current behaviour breaks the back button though, and if you try refreshing the page, it seems brokenness then ensues, presumably as there is still something running on the server. You have to close your web browser to have any chance of resetting the state, it seems, if you want to start a new test. I’m wondering if this is the whole of the source of my problems with it recently. If you’ve entered one address, then you cannot change to use another, or perhaps there are still stray processes running on the server and no way of stopping them or cancelling things. Perhaps there’s an enormous hellish timeout somewhere and I am just far too impatient
I went back to test like this. Close the browser completely. Go to 4G. Retest and then wait an eternity and it works! It does then come back with an answer. It seems the answer is to be careful not to change IP addresses or this confuses it totally.
Still cannot test either WAN-side of router or anything inside the LAN though. (And no, before you ask, my own machines on the lan itself do not have RFC1918 addresses either. They have real global, routable IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. So all good in the sanity dept., for the moment anyway